Sunday, 29 September 2013

I might have bitten off more than I can chew

Gosh, sitting down now to write this blog, I've realised that I have a number of fairly significant projects underway.

Project FISH (fountain in sentral highspot)
In 2011 when Brisbane was flooded, we suffered a major landslide directly behind our house, that quite literally threatened to come through the house on the way down the hill. Sandstone retaining walls were lost, driveway destroyed and (to date) we have moved in excess of 2,000 cubic metres of red dirt (the kind that red dogues especially like to roll in). The driveway has been replaced and we have built a huge gabian retaining wall but there's something missing... no circular driveway around the lawn and rose garden that used to be in the centre of the area.

So, Project FISH was borne.

I plan to make this (note the 3 metres circle on the ground)...

... into something spectacular, using this...

And not just any water feature. I've done a bit of research and have worked out that a 3m wide pond liner is really expensive so I've bought a poly cow trough. It arrives on Friday. Good thing is it's 560mm high (dogues cant reach that high) and is 2400mm wide - that's about 2.5 cubic metres of water. Now that's big enough for some fish - not goldfish - edible ones like Silver Perch. Have bought myself a decent pump and am planning on lots of plants for shade and protection from the native birds. What could possibly go wrong...

Project Her new shed
We're getting a shed. I'm in charge of making said shed. Have had earthworks done, concreter sorted, shed frame designed and is currently under construction, planners doing planning stuff and chippy mate is going to install said shed.

BTW, it's gonna be a big shed.

But.. while the earthworks guy was here, I had another idea...

Project new garden bed
We have a large garden bed that has heaps of shade and would make an excellent secondary vege garden - except for the 2.5 metre diameter golden cane in the middle. Long story (and a few trips to the tip) but it's gone now and today I had 8 cubic metres of top soil delivered. My new garden is well on its way (and my arms hurt from shovelling dirt). Watering system will be installed next weekend.

Project Sir Loin of Clear Mountain
This project has been more of a United Nations negotiation than physically hard (yet). I have gotten MOTH to agree on getting a steer for the freezer. So, I've done my research and have decided on a Miniature Galloway. Apparently their meat is beautifully marbled to die for (sorry - bad choice of words). So, Sir Loin arrives next week. I've put up new fences for a storm paddock (so he and the donkeys don't piss off when there's a storm and a tree takes down the fence) and have bought a new zappier solar fence unit. Sir Loin will live a happy life for the next year or so and then be replaced when he moves into the freezer. What could possibly go wrong...

Project firewood
About 18 months ago a tree that is very close to our house dropped all of its leaves and promptly died. All of the others around it are fine. No idea why, but it had to come down before storm season. So last weekend, our wonderful neighbour (and expert tree feller) came over with his big chainsaw (his was bigger than mine and I get chainsaw envy) and cut it down. It was so dry, it literally fell apart when it hit the ground. A few more chops and we have next years firewood all sorted.

Just need the shed finished so I can stack the firewood next to it in the firewood bay (told you it was going to be a big shed).

But wait, there's more...
And the ongoing day to day stuff continues as well. Garden is going well, things are growing (always a good sign).

Chickens are laying eggs everywhere (another story for another day).

Cats and dogues are happy, although poor old Max cat got his first paralysis tick last week and spent a five star night at the vet (or that's what the bill implied).

There's always something...

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